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Updated: Sep 24, 2019

Values in life

The definition of Values states values are “principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life.” These work as a set of rules that a person or organisation will run by to make decisions and ultimately leading to the final product of their achievements.


(The Lovely Addict, 2010)

Common values in life are normally those that people that we follow, these include such as commitment, and this shows loyalty as well as showing bravery to the keeping the promise. Compassion, this is a value that nearly all humans run by, it proves we are creatures that care about each other. Honesty is a value that is morally obscure value, we all would like to be honest and in many situations we are however in some we are not. Patience is a desirable trait as it improves productivity and promotes a clearer state of mind.

“Values play a central role in ethical decision making. Although there are variations about what constitutes a value in the literature of ethics, a value can be defined as an item of worth. People attach values to all sorts of things: careers, money, cars, love, education and so on. What people value they find worthy of their pursuit and pursue only that which they value. In short, values are one of the prime motivating factors in human behaviour.” – (, 2016)

These values are pre-determined by ones inner self and are normally followed without question or deliberation, however some values can be imposed by society and the environment these are normally learned form parents and can be later influenced by peers or idolisations. The social learning theory (Albert Bandura – 1977) states that we can learn behaviour or in this case values from observing idols and role models, we internalise these values and they then become our own. An example of this is that as children you may learn to respect the environment form your parents looking after it in their own personal space this will affect your values to respect the environment.

Values in work


(Winterbothamdarby, 2013)

In the working world your values will harmonise with shared values of the organisation or group you have chosen to work with, if they conflict the likelihood of being involved with the company becomes smaller as neither party will be happy with the values of the other. However when they harmonise and become a shared value by both parties, it acts as cement to further bond the relationship to create a stronger working world for that particular company/organisation.

“Organizations, such as corporations and professions, share values that help define their field of activity. In medicine, for example, helping and caring for others is highly valued. In the field of law, justice and due process are pre-eminent, while safety, competence and efficiency are valued by engineers. One can identify the shared values of the various professions and use them as one way to define what it means to be a professional in that field.” – (, 2016)

In and around workplaces there will be boards describing their core values as a company these can be anything from how they treat customers/clients, these are used to unite the organisation under the same values.

Values in advertising

As well as advertising the values of the company/organisation in media, the values they use will be sold along with the product or service they are selling and a lot of the time this is what you buy into, you buy a product from a reputable company whose values reflect the god of you or the good of the population.

References (2016). The Role of Values. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016].

The Lovely Addict, (2010). values of life. [image] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016].

Winterbothamdarby, (2013). Work Values. [image] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016].

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